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Email Marketing Services

How would you feel about hiring a sales manager who consistently generates revenues grossing almost 40 times her salary?

To sweeten the deal, suppose this particular star performer:

  • Is willing to work 24×7
  • Guarantees to never defect to your competition
  • Never asks for bonuses or frequent raises

What difference could it make to your company’s revenues & bottom-line?

Email marketing is the often overlooked & neglected “Potential-Super-Star” in most B2B and B2C companies. It delivers upto 3800% ROI, when done right. Despite this, a vast majority of businesses continue to lack a comprehensive Email Marketing Strategy, or implementation plan.

We at Afterfirst, are experienced Email Marketers, who help companies & small businesses reach their business goals via a ROI-driven email marketing plan.

Back in the day, email marketing simply meant sending a bunch of email to an excel list of contacts, using regular email.

The current scenario, however, poses unique challenges like:

  • A large number of email marketers vying for Inbox-attention
  • The spam problem
  • Strict Inbox-filtering at email companies like Gmail
  • Interaction based placement by major email service providers

This has evolved Email Marketing into a sophisticated and complex function.


Our Process

Email Marketing Services - Our Process

We typically go through the following steps, depending on your requirements:

  • Email Marketing Audit: To win at Email Marketing, all the moving parts have to align perfectly. We study your:

Business & Marketing Processes
Existing Email Marketing Campaigns
Mailing Lists

We then identify gaps, and areas of improvements which will help improve the existing email marketing program.

  • Strategy: We create a tailor-made strategy to engage your potential and existing customer with promotional, transactional and relational emails. This involves a mix of content, targeted campaigns, and advanced tactics like Marketing Automation, Drip Marketing, and Trigger-based emails.


  • List Management: We review your existing email list and perform the following activities on it:

List Cleanup: This is important to maintain list-hygiene. This critical step helps boosts deliverability (percentage of your email landing in Inbox, instead of spam or junk folders).

List Segmentation: Examples could be – segmentation by country, gender, engagement levels on previous campaigns, job titles etc. This helps send specific & relevant emails to each subset of the list.

List Growth: We devise & suggest list-growth plans like a) Lead Magnets on your website to automatically grow your list b) Social Media promotions c) Contests & Promotional offers.


  • Email Service Provider (ESP) Selection & Setup: We can review your needs, and suggest an appropriate ESP like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, Active Campaign etc. Additionally, we can:

a) Import your List to the selected ESP
b) Setup Advanced features like Dedicated IP, Marketing Automation etc. to boost deliverability & click through rates
c) Setup Tracking & Reporting

  • Email Design: We can create beautiful and responsive email templates, which will resonate with your target audience, and boost leads and conversions.


  • A/B Split-Testing: We will test multiple variations Email Subject Lines, Copy, sending day & time, and Promotional offers to see which campaigns converts best. We will then fine-tune your future campaigns based on these insights.


  • Email Automation: We can work with your team to create a complex chain of automatic email sequences. When done right, this is an extremely powerful tool to move a cold prospect down the Attention-Interest-Desire-Action framework.

These emails are sent according to user action (e.g. customer opened the mail vs customer didn’t open the mail trigging a different subsequent email). A story-telling format is often used, to keep the customer hooked, and interested throughout the journey.


  • Tracking & Reporting: We constantly study metrics like

a) Open rate
b) Click through rate
c) Bounce rate
d) Unsubscribe rate
e) Leads and Revenues generated by each campaign
f) Split test results, if available


We then finetune your subsequent campaigns to ensure that metrics continue to improve, thereby boosting ROI.


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